Best Types of Nails

Here are some of the best types of nails around the world, but it depends on your specific needs.

There are common types of natural nails that give a beautiful, healthy, natural appearance, but they may be more prone to breakage. If they are weak, dry, or somewhat brittle

Acrylic nails are also characterized by strong and durable features and give length and a beautiful shape to the nails, but they may cause damage to the natural nails if they are not applied, removed and cared for properly.

Gel nails give a natural look and are shiny and glossy and last longer if you take care of them than regular nail polish, but they must be taken care of constantly and may be more damaged and must be removed carefully to avoid damaging the natural nails or causing cuts or breaks in the nails.

Silicone nails are natural and flexible, giving a beautiful and shiny appearance. They are also less likely to break, but they do not last as long as acrylic nails and soft gel nails.

Vinyl nail polish is waterproof, lasts longer than regular nail polish and can be more expensive than regular nail polish.

You can suggest to us some types of nails that are known or famous worldwide to search for and give distinctive designs.

Part Two: The Best Nails in the World

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