Add salt to orange peels and stop wasting money: they are worth their weight in gold in the home

Use new peels – Do it yourself at home by adding salt in the current economic zone, where every penny counts, and you can get what you need to save.

The high cost of buying Iraqi raw materials is a few problems despite the increase. However, there are great ways to save without sacrificing quality, and two of these ways are to use household tools effectively, and convert waste into valuable values.

Among the most important of these are the most prominent items for emergency supplies for the home. However, choosing high-quality cleaning often comes at a low price.

It may seem like an unchanging alternative to climate change, but a breakdown in quality can lead to unsatisfactory results. This is where the concept of “Grandma’s tricks” comes in, offering inexpensive but effective solutions.

Orange peels are a hidden gem in household cleaning.

Instead of throwing them away as waste, they can be repurposed into a powerful natural cleaner.

The process is simple yet effective and requires only a few readily available ingredients.

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